Under the laws of the store, the customer can argue with the seller in case of defects in purchased products.
To resolve the issue, both sides have a full or partial refund of the purchase price. Lately the number of such conflicts has become more. Administrators of the market have noticed a huge amount of Russian videos where the authors tell how you can cheat sellers of AliExpress products outlets for free.
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After that, the store began to block the accounts of Russian consumers, on account of which many disputes with the employees of the company. AliExpress block initials and residence address of the customer when entering data in the black list.
August 12 edition of Akket reported the beginning of massive blocking of Russians on AliExpress because of fraudsters. They received goods for free, opening “disputes” and returning money for orders after delivery. However, the authors of the resource did not give any examples of users’ complaints about ban.
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