
Why Are AliExpress Stores Closing?

Decoding AliExpress Store Closures: Understanding the Whys and Hows.

AliExpress stores can shutter for various reasons, whether voluntarily initiated by the owner or enforced by the platform.
We’ll look at both voluntary closures initiated by store owners and closures enforced by the AliExpress platform itself.

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Why Are AliExpress Stores Closing?
Why Are AliExpress Stores Closing?

Store owner initiated closure:

  • The store owner’s contract may have ended.
  • The license associated with the store might have expired.
  • The product the store sold may be out of stock, and the owner doesn’t plan to restock.
  • The business might be unprofitable, leading the owner to close the store.
  • Other unforeseen circumstances might lead the owner to close the store.

Forced closure of a store on AliExpress:

  • Abnormal sales hype: Creating artificial sales activity to boost ranking can lead to warnings, account freezing, or even closure.
  • False delivery: Repeatedly making false deliveries can result in temporary or permanent account closure.
  • Image theft: Stealing product images from other sellers violates platform rules and can lead to closure if repeated offenses occur.
  • Product discrepancies: If the product you receive is significantly different from its description, it can trigger consequences for the seller, including store closure.
  • Other violations: Incorrect product categorization, illegal activities, selling prohibited items, intellectual property infringement, and excessive customer disputes can all lead to store closure.

Is it possible for a seller to reopen a store on AliExpress after its forced closure?

If a store is closed due to a violation, the option to reopen is unavailable; the seller needs to create a new account. Merchants initiate account registration through mobile phones and email, followed by an authentication process. Upon successful verification, sellers gain access to the store opening page. Sellers reopening their stores should take lessons from past failures to ensure success.

Understanding these reasons can help you navigate the vast landscape of AliExpress stores and make informed purchasing decisions.

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