What is your typical delivery time from AliExpress? How long does it usually take for a package from AliExpress to arrive? The poll began on August 23, 2023
Here are some factors that can affect the delivery time of an AliExpress order:
- The shipping method you choose. AliExpress offers a variety of shipping methods, and the delivery time will vary depending on the method you choose.
- The distance between the seller’s location and yours. The further away the seller is from you, the longer the delivery time will be.
- The time of year. Shipping times can be longer during peak holiday seasons.
- Customs clearance. If your order is shipped to a country with customs, it may take longer to clear customs.
How long does it usually take to ship from AliExpress to you?
3-5 days
Up to 2 weeks
2-3 weeks
3-4 weeks
4-5 weeks
5-6 weeks
More than 6 weeks
I haven’t ordered from AliExpress before